Saturday, January 5, 2013



#1 CS: Tell the viewers a little about yourself, what’s your educational background and some of your business related and general interests?

TI: I am Tehran Iman Robertson-Jihad [pronounced (Tehr-rahn)]. I am a native of Cleveland, Ohio, who is the youngest of four (4) girls. I have had an appreciation for quality fabrics, creativity, art and aesthetics of fashion since I was a child which cultivated my eclectic style. I am naturally a rebel. I attended Kent State University majoring in Fashion Merchandising with a minor in Pre-law, where I was introduced to Fashion in a different angle; from the professional, business woman side of things. After my freshman year at KSU I transferred to Virginia Marti College of Art & Design where I completed my education December 2010 and commenced June 2011, graduating with a degree of Applied Business of Fashion Merchandising. While at Virginia Marti College of Art & Design I discovered what it meant to develop a brand, create a need and market myself as a business. I have worked for multiple companies including such notables as Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom. Tehran Iman Fashion Consulting came about in a Fashion Marketing class in college, and I have built my name, brand, image and clientele since then alone as a individual; Tehran has developed Fashion Shows including White Out for 107.9, Merchandise Coordinator for VMCAD productions, Creative director and executor of a Saks Fifth Avenue event with NFL wives, and has built my name as a freelance stylist. I have done a lot of custom design which I have received a lot of recognition from and am currently working on a Modest Collection including work out attire, dresses, abayas, and casual wear.                                         
#2 CS: What is fashion to you?        

TI: Fashion is ever evolving components of art, quality and concept which evokes emotion; and can be manipulated, progressed and molded into style.
#3 CS: Describe your city’s fashion.

TI: The fashion in my city is diverse. We have it all; fashion victims, rebels, curators and minimalist.
#4 CS: When did you realize you wanted to become a designer, how did your line come about?

TI: I’m a stylist who got pulled into design by hobby. I never wanted to be a designer I like the business side of fashion and styling clients. I can sketch, I’m hands on and I have great taste so I naturally alter, create and have ideas. I altered some items for myself and costumed my own items and from demand came my “Fashions Own” collection which is full of costumed denim pieces. 

#5. CS: What was the first article of clothing you designed?

TI: I actually sketched a dress for a client and had another designer make it. But for my line the first object I designed was shorts for an outfit I was styling for myself while in LA.

#6 CS:  How long it usually takes to construct a piece?

TI: Depending on the item as little as an hour. On average 2-3 hours.

# 7 CS: Are there and if so, any local models that’s your favorite to work with?

TI: Yes. I had the pleasure of styling Barbee Nicole, which is a Cleveland Native now living in NYC, for a photo shoot and we had fun! Her face, attitude and catwalk amazes me. She is like the modern Black Barbie with character. I also enjoy working with Raneeka as well; she is such a diva on the runway, professional backstage and needs no direction.
#8 CS: What are some of your accomplishments as a designer?

TI: Instagram has taken my business to the next level, via photos and word of mouth. 80% of my clients are out of Ohio…. I sent Celebrity Stylist Leah Louie, of Cleveland now living in ATL, a package of my items on a humble and Necole Bitchie celebrity blogger wore my denim in a photo shoot. My denim also has made it on the red carpet in Atlanta, GA.
#9 CS: How does your line differ from your competitors?

TI: I do what I do as a hobby, and get paid for it….I wouldn’t necessarily say I am trying to compete with anyone. I don’t look at “competitors” or compare myself. My reputation speaks for itself. But I know that I have professional experience and provide quality work.
#10 CS: What are some of your favorite clothing stores, websites and catalogs?

TI: My favorite store is ANY Thrift Store and Saks Fifth Avenue because I can get myself nice things and great cosmetics all in one place…. My favorite website is it’s a one stop shop you can type in whatever you are seeking and it gives you all variations and the retailers’ link to purchase the item. Favorite magazine is VOGUE of course.
#11 CS: Do you consider yourself an artist? And what do you believe makes a quality article of clothing?

TI: Yes. I actually have been trained in tap dance, modern dance, and African dance. I paint; acrylic on canvas, and I am a visual artist when it comes to styling and visual display. Quality in a garment is distinguished by materials and tools used to create the piece and the longevity it maintains after wear.

#12 CS:To my knowledge you’re a stylist/ shopper, how do you usually prepare for a shoot or fashion show?
TI: To prepare for a photo shoot or any client I do a consultation first to get to know my clients personal style and to distinguish expectations. Once I have a feel for the clients’ personality I can go pull items, shoes, accessories and props from my partners arrive on set over prepared and display each item with a complete look….same thing with personal shopping. I have worked in high end retail and know how to dress a wardrobe versus buying separates that aren’t cohesive.
#13 CS: Do you prefer sketching a design or just constructing a piece?

TI: I like to freestyle. I like to spur of the moment create when it comes to custom, but If it is constructing a garment I will sketch it and allow a seamstress to cut and sew.
#12 CS: What do you love most about designing /styling?

TI: I love the fact that I am the artist and there are no rules; Freedom of expression. Anything I touch is my canvas. Limitless….
#15 CS: How would you define your personal style?

TI: Eclectic vs. Vintage
#16 CS: Where do you get your inspiration from?

TI: I get my inspiration from Art History. My favorite subject in school was History. In college Art History helped me to understand design and style per Era and society changes. My favorite fashion eras are The Victorian Era, The Roaring Twenties, and the 1950’s Glamour.
#17 CS:  What are some of your fashion goals?

TI: My ultimate fashion goal is to be a Fashion Mogul. To be respected for all things fashion and have the ability to teach and share my knowledge and style with the world.
#18 CS: What advice do you have for any aspiring designers?

TI: Focus on quality and good business versus how many things you can make and how many people know you. Quality is greater than Quantity.
#19 CS: How can a potential customer reach you?

TI: All contact info is available on
(216) 220-7041 [Business Line]

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