Tuesday, February 4, 2014


To me, your style is a personal representation, it’s a visual introduction of yourself, your style and image is very important because it allows you to tell others who you are without saying a word. Some people will say first impression isn’t everything but in many cases it is. If I was to explain my personal style I wouldn’t be able to label it, it’ll have to be “untitled or misunderstood”, simply because I’m a very diverse individual. I am inspired from so many things in life when it comes to fashion such as color, culture, countries, and movies and people in general. I go through phases where I want to dress from the eras of the men of the late 60’s and some days I like to look like a skater from Cali. It all depends on my mood and what inspired me that day, one thing for certain about my style is that I’m a natural vintage head, I’m not really big on trends, labels and prices of clothing. As a wardrobe stylist it’s imperative for me to be knowledgeable of what’s in or hot at the time, but I barely follow the rules. It’s so fulfilling for me to come up with a look by collaborating old and modern pieces, the thrift store will always be a second heaven.

 I’ve always been the type of kid that wanted to do the total opposite of what my peers was doing, give me the ugliest pair of shoes and I’ll show you what I’m going to do with it and I believe that’s what your personal style is all about, being confident in just being you. Image isn’t always what you wear it’s how you wear it, you have to put something on before you put those clothes on and that’s self Love. I remember very vividly at a young age when my grandmother will make me pick out my outfits the night before, right than I learned the importance of putting you’re A-game on every single day, after getting dress she’ll tell me to look in the mirror and ask me if I was pleased with what I see?, if yes was my answer, her respond would be “GOOD, YOUR READY!”, and to this day I still have the habit of picking my fit out the night before, I just want to always be READY!.. Thanks Granny! -V.Styles

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