Monday, July 15, 2013


Saturday evening I was in my car and was shocked by some very disturbing news, the verdict was stated that George Zimmerman was found "Not Guilty" for the killing of Trayvon Martin. I still remember the emotions of being hurt, mad & confused all at the same time. My first thought was the condition this boy's parents may be in, and as a parent of two boys how traumatizing this situation would be, if it was me. There is so much controversy going on about how this was a racial issue and how justice is not being served on the be hath of the African American culture. I will say this: None of this is new, this hatred and unfair treatment didn't start with Trayvon, nor with Marin Luther King, for a better example. The government is so out of alignment that it disgusts me, its more frustrating to witness the ignorance in the African American community, the same people that's complaining about Trayvon being killed are the same people fighting each other. BLACK PEOPLE. ALL PEOPLE. STAND UP THIS IS NOT A RACIAL THING THIS IS AN ISSUE IN  HUMANKIND PERIOD, JUSTICE MAY NOT BEEN SERVED IN THE CASE OF TRAYVON ON EARTH, BUT TRUST ME GOD HAVE IT ALL FIGURED OUT, EVERYTHING HAPPENS ACCORDING TO HIS PERFECT WILL...JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED EVENTUALLY, SO I'M GOING TO JUST SAY AMEN FOR THAT -V.Styles

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