Friday, September 27, 2013


Hello Jess?
#1. What’s your personal and Professional Background?
I am the only child of Dr. David Matlock & the late Mrs. Sharon Matlock, two educated young professionals from St. Louis MO. I was raised by my mother and grandmother in Huntington Beach, CA and spent weekends with my father in Bel Air, CA. I graduated in 2007 with a degree in Psychology from the University of Southern California with an emphasis in Substance Abuse Prevention and Global Medicine. I am a Master’s student in Psychology and have achieved academic success in researching the statistically significant correlation of fashion and psychology.                                             
#2. When did you discover you wanted to pursue a career in fashion?
I always loved fashion, but did not feel the fashion industry offered a career that allowed me to explore the psychological impact of fashion on human beings. I decided to pave my own way after a successful undergraduate research project and the rest is history!        

#3 Now ByBy is the name of your company, where did you get the name from?
ByBy stands for Be Your Best You. The fashion industry can be an extremely powerful source of influence to people all over the world. I encourage my clients to grow to accept the unique aspects of who they are as an individual.
#4. How did you come up with such a witty idea of using psychology and fashion in a cohesive manner to contribute to your brand?      

At USC, I worked in a psych research lab with a medical student named Emily. Most of the time she looked completely disheveled, but one day she came in dressed up. When I complimented her, she replied with “thanks! I have a test today. I feel like I do better on tests when I feel better about myself.” The light bulb clicked in my brain and I set up a research study that looked at the impact of personal appearance on test scores. Individuals that dressed in “power suits” performed better on exams than individuals that wore “pajamas.” It was extremely exciting for me because I supported my hypothesis and inspired me to keep studying.
#5. Who are some of her favorite clients you have worked/collaborated with thus far?
I have worked with Eliabetta Canalis, Megan Good, Lauren London, and Angela Simmons, but my favorite clients are corporate. Corporate clients have clear goals and know the value of working with an image consultant.
#6. A regular day for Jess-in-the city would be_______.
I wake up, pray, and thank God for another day, read the bible, make juice and exercise! I spend the rest day driving all over Los Angeles to various meetings and appointments with clients. In the end of the day, my wifely duties come first; I try to always make sure I prepare a nutritious dinner for my husband and I.
#7. Explain your personal style & where do you get some of your inspiration form?
I am inspired by timeless and classy international men & women of style like Coco Chanel, Princess Diana, Victoria Beckham, Karl Lagerfeld. I am also extremely inspired by the artwork from many different cultures. My personal style 

depends on my mood, which varies from day to day. It is hard to predict which colors, patterns, silhouettes, and fashions I will choose next!
#9. I’m certain ByBy have open opportunities for you to give back to the community such as the non-profit organization, tell us a little about that?
Yes! Sharon’s Roses is a non-profit organization I established to honor hard working mothers in the community. I think good mothers don’t receive enough credit for playing such an important role in the lives of their children, and I offer my services free to any mother nominated. In addition to Sharon’s Roses, ByBy participates in an annual prom dress drive with LA’s Prom Closet.
#10. I’ve noticed that you maintain a healthy fitness and meal regiment explain to why that is so important to you?
Health is wealth! I’m such an advocate for healthy living because my mother passed away at age 47 from a brain aneurism, grandmother fought lung and breast cancer so I know what chronic illness looks like, and I want to do everything in my power to live a long healthy life free from illness and health complications. 
#11. What advice would you have for the upcoming image consulting or someone like myself who’s trying to land a career with a company like ByBy?
Your presence speaks volumes without opening your mouth. Understand the impact of image and first impression. It takes the average human being .02 milliseconds to decide if they like you or not. Study the company you want to work for and do your best to make a powerful personal presentation; and if you don’t know ask somebody!
-Explain the term juicy?
Lol! Juicy is my nickname! My husband nicknamed me Juicy a long time ago and it stuck with friends ever since. The reason behind it is forever a secret!
-Is pink your favorite color?
Some days it is. Other days…it’s green!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013



MEAL OF THE DAY: Chicken Veracruz


1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
4 skin-on, bone-in chicken breasts (about 1 1/2 pounds)
1 teaspoon dried oregano
Kosher salt
1 poblano chile pepper, stemmed and seeded
1/2 white onion
1 large tomato
2 cloves garlic
1/2 cup chopped mild pickled jalapeno peppers
1/2 cup green olives with pimientos, roughly chopped
1 cup dry white wine

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Actors, Idris Elba covers October's issue of GQ, Sandra Bullock graces the cover of Vogue.


Let your love be your energy... bring God wherever you go, in everything you do, and whoever comes a long your way. Let His love be your power and strength. Let His love be your Armour and shield, today and forever...

Monday, September 23, 2013


 Stephen Artburn is an author who won 3 gold medallion awards already. It's safe to say that credit was given where it's due. This book have made a major impact on my life and have helped me move forward with things that was altering my blessings, happiness, and God-giving purpose. Strongly recommend this to everyone.


"Without the Way there is no going; without the Truth there is no knowing; without the Life there is no living."
-Thomas A Kempis


 Like everyone else, I am extremely excited about Fall this year, which happens to be my favorite season. I believe this year, we have a lot to look forward to in fashion.